Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015: Targets

2015 is here. In a few weeks' time, there's gonna be a list of new releases by manufacturers & that'll keep our adrenalin pumping. I'm keeping my to-get list minimum, I intend to add more playing time instead & half of that time will be devoted to (forcing myself) playing clean.

First on the list is an amp. It will highly likely be this little Boogie Mark V here, if I have to wait till the year's end to acquire it online, then it shall be done. Amps play a big part in shaping what I play & triggering ideas so it's a practical move- spending good money on an amp.

Guitar-wise, I'm looking at the ESP range. I have a soft-spot for ESPs & I have a feeling there's something special for me this year especially so when the company celebrates its 40th anniversary with some interesting releases (in the mean time, I'm seeing too many mundane LTDs...). It will definitely not be a Mystique- it's all about that headstock. On that note, keeping a close watch on the Ibanez offerings; 2015 might be the year I won't give them my money at all despite being a big fan.

Despite not being a pedal fan per se, I do keep a look out for interesting ones that add value to my set up. Majority of them are drive pedals because these go well with an already driven amp & I'm more amp-inclined. I think I missed the dual booster when it was here not too long ago but I have another Maxon on back order. Ibanez's Tube Screamer mini is also on my list.

Finally, I have something that I want Seymour Duncan to look into. It's an interesting fusion of existing models. It's gonna be a little costly but I'm a fan of what these guy are doing & I know they'll do it well.

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