Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The loop way

Say you bought a $3K amp & love that driven tone of yours, would you plug pedals into it, especially the drive-type ones? Once you plug a drive type tone the traditional way ie. through the front panel input access, you are actually adulterating your amp's drive tone compounded by the total loss of pedal character due to the fact that your amp's preamp section is overpowering your pedal. This means that your favourite Maxon overdrive & a BOSS overdrive would sound the same, quite a futile exercise isn't it (unless you don't mind the loss of character because all you need is a drive source to boost your guitar signals)?

This is the reason why many reputable manufacturers feature an effects loop access via the rear panel to allow you to enjoy your amp's pre-amp drive section in conjunction with your drive pedals. The pic above is how a mild drive/ booster pedal is connected through an effects loop. Pros & cons? To be continued...

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