Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lamb Of God Cancel Tour Over Blythe Freedom Doubt

Lamb Of God have been forced to cancel the rest of their tour as singer Randy Blytheremains imprisoned in the Czech Republic, despite posting bail.
Prosecutors have deemed Blyth a "flight risk". Although they would permit him to fly home to the US, they fear he may not return for trial. However, Blythe's lawyer Martin Radvan has said he would co-operate with Czech authorities: "He cannot afford to simply disappear. As a world-renowned artist... if he wants to continue performing, he will have to return. And he wants to return because he believes he is not guilty of anything he has been charged with," The Guardian reports.
The singer is currently in jail in Prague, Czech Republic, despite already posting bail of four million korun (£125,000). After a challenge by prosecutors, that was doubled to 8m koruna (£250,000). Lamb of God have managed to collect the amount – partly with the help of fans - but in court this week, prosecutors again challenged the musician's release.
Blyth's arrest stems from an incident that took place on May 24, 2010 at the band's show at Club Abaton in Prague. According to reports, a fan jumped up onstage where a tussle ensued in which the fan, known only as Daniel N, was injured. N, who fell from the stage and hit his head on the venue's concrete floor, later died, reportedly as a result of those injuries.
Earlier this month (July 18), Blythe spoke for the first time since his arrest. He said that he couldn't remember the incident that had led to his arrest and only recalled a few scratchy details about the night in question.
Asked about the incident, he said: "I don't know anything about any sort of incident [that allegedly took place during the concert]. I remember very few details about the show, mainly because I have played a lot of concerts [before and after the gig in question]."
He continued: "I just remember that the stage at the club was very small, and we barely managed to fit our equipment on there. Also, apparently there was a security guard there because many people climbed onto the stage - including one small boy, in particular, but I could be mixing up details with what happened at other clubs."
Blythe then denied that he had attacked anyone and said that during any such incident he would have been merely protecting himself. He added: "In any case, I did not attack anyone. The only way I could have come into contact with anyone from the audience was if I was protecting myself from [people bumping into me when climbing on the stage]."
Blythe faces up to 10 years in prison if found guilty. He will stand trial later this summer.
Thanks to NME for the report.

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