Thursday, January 1, 2015

PRS SE 245: Indonesian goodness

Actually, this PRS SE 245 was the final purchase for 2014. Production shifted to Indonesia, I was very well aware of that. The instrument was well-made less some tolerable oversight (not to be discussed in ts entry).

The default pickups made way for these Seymour Duncans: Custom (B)/ Jazz (N). They were fine inclusions, really (especially that neck humbucker) but I have to quell my thirst for overdrive sensation; it had always been this way. 

I have handled many Korean PRS SEs, I find this Indonesian to be on par but some fine details were overlooked. Nevertheless, they were non-detrimental to reputation. This batch of SEs prove to be the most affordable (you can purchase one for less than $500) without presenting too many deficiencies. On a personal note, I give them my thumbs up.

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